The board of EASAC Foundation is formed of three eminent scientists who all are experienced with science advice
Chair: Professor Jos van der Meer
Jos van der Meer is emeritus professor of internal medicine at Radboud University Medical Centre in the Netherlands. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences KNAW of which he was vicepresident from 2005 to 2011. He served as president of EASAC during 2014 — 2016.
Secretary: Professor Wim van Saarloos
Wim van Saarloos is emeritus professor of theoretical physics at Leiden University in the Netherlands. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences KNAW of which he was president from 2018 to 2020. He serves as president of EASAC during 2023 — 2025.
Treasurer: Professor Brian Norton
Professor Brian Norton is former Head of Energy Research at Tyndall National Institute, former Research Professor at University College Cork and Professor of Solar Energy Applications at TU Dublin. He is a member of the Royal Irish Academy RIA and is a member of the Energy Steering Panel of EASAC. He also serves as vicepresident of EASAC during 2024 — 2026.
Board members members are not financially compensated for their activities for EASAC Foundation. They work free of charge for the foundation.
Advisory Board
An advisory board will be established in 2025. For the advisory board, the board of EASAC Foundation seeks to invite individuals who know the funding landscape, who have held a position as director of a fund, or who have first-hand experience, e.g. because they served on an advisory board of a fund. People interested in joining the advisory board can express their interest to the secretary (see contact page).
The present board sees the period 2024-2027 as a buildup phase aimed at establishing the necessary contacts and experience. In mid-2027 the functioning of the foundation will be evaluated and the composition of the board will be re-evaluated; a rotation schedule for the board members will then also be established.
According to the statutes of EASAC Foundation, at least one board member should be a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences KNAW, which has the Dutch ANBI status, and at least one a member of a foreign academy which has the status of charity. The RIA, of which Brian Norton is a member, is indeed registered as a charity.