Some possibilities potential donors might think of are:

  • Support for a project on Energy, Environment or Biosciences and Public Health
  • Support a new theme outside these programmatic topics (e.g. impact of AI, sustainability, water…)
  • Enabling fellowships or internships for students or young researchers to work on a project or programme line
  • Adapting work of network organisations for use by member academies (e.g., translations of ALLEA, EASAC, or FEAM reports)
  • Support for engaging academies of candidate member states of the EU to become involved
  • Support for a global project with partner networks in Africa, Asia or the Americas
  • Joint projects of various network organisations (ALLEA, EASAC, FEAM)
  • strengthening communication, e.g.:
    — about reports
    — aimed at members of the European Parliament
    — aimed at the broader public
    — preparing support material for our member academies
    — increasing coverage of science for policy advice by academies and networks in European media

EASAC Foundation favors transparency and openness, and has a very small overhead. We guarantee that almost all the budget of a particular donation is used for the benefit of the intended project.

EASAC Foundation supports this by signing a gift agreement with donors, and by providing a regular update on the project to the donor.

Before signing an agreement with a possible donor, academies and networks that are involved in the project will be fully engaged in establishing whether support by the proposed donor is suitable and will not breach the independence of the science advice of the academic partners involved.